At Wilson we consider families as vital to who we are. We have families of all shapes, and sizes, and they are all precious to us and deserve our support. We believe faith formation begins at home and we work to design programs to support and grow your family life. Our goal at Wilson is that your family can find a community of support and growth as you seek to raise kids with God’s heart of Joy and Compassion and find the encouragement you need on your own faith journey.
Faith at Home
Family life is a busy life! Integrating faith with daily life can be simple, and we aim to provide you with resources and tips to help make it happen in your home or anywhere that your family is online!
Growing Faith at Home is a tool that you can use at home with your family to dig further into the daily lectionary readings and grow in faith TOGETHER! Each week there will be new Bible readings, mealtime prayers, blessings and faith practices based on the weekly reading. Click here for Faith at Home resources.
Confirmation and Teen Integration
Our confirmation program is unique as it is designed to deepen the roots of young teens in our church life through education and practice. As teens enter their 7th grade year, they graduate from our children’s programming and begin two years of learning how the church works through service and short term classes that inspire theological consideration. At the end of their 8th grade year, they are confirmed and have the opportunity to choose their ministry rotations within our congregation. Our goal is to recognize our confirmands as full members of our congregation and join with them in service.
Mission Trips
We are committed to getting our young congregants into the field to see what God can do when we offer our time and talents. Our trips are usually a week or less, but give children, teens, and young adults the opportunity to experience mission and consider what role it will have in their future. Past trips have included hurricane Katrina and Sandy relief, urban ministry in Camden, and visiting a school in Haiti.