Background image painted by Lorenzo DiAndrea.

July 22-26
9:00am - 12:30pm
God’s Galaxy
The cost is $40 per child with a cap of $100 per family.
After July 12th, fee is $45 per child.
Please complete one form for each child registering for VBS.
Payment for all children will only be made on the first child's registration form.
God’s Galaxy! From July 22-26, we will transform Wilson and invite children from all over the community to learn about building something bigger than themselves for the greater good. We'll learn important scripture, sing, create and center ourselves to become the best helpers from the inside out.
Open to children from ages 4 - 11, we will meet each morning from 9:00am-12:30pm. On Friday afternoon, we will share what we have learned and invite all families to join us for an overview of our journey into God's Galaxy and what we discovered during the week..
We will collect a Spare Change offering through the week beginning on Tuesday.
The cost is $40 per child with a cap of $100 per family.
Please complete one form for each child registering for VBS.
Please return forms no later than July 12th, 2024. After July 12th, fee is $45 per child.
By submitting this form, I hereby give my consent as the parent/guardian of the above name child/children to attend/participate in the 2024 God's Galaxy Vacation Bible School provided by Wilson Memorial Church. My child and I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless the church, its employees, and/or volunteers from all liability from any claim, injury, or loss sustained by or during my child's participation during Vacation Bible School. I hereby authorize Wilson Memorial Church to take and use photography and/or video of myself and my child(ren) for crafts, keepsakes, or promotional purposes in any type of media and understand that I will not be compensated for any such use.